The project, implemented between 2003-2004, was a partnership project of the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI) - Academy for European Politics and Economics, Bonn, Germany, and the International Society for Human Rights - Moldovan Section, Chisinau.
The objective was to improve and strengthen the work and performance of Moldovan NGOs with the aim to enable them to fully use their potential, and to involve them in the activities of the European-wide NGO platforms and networks. To satisfy the needs and expectation of the participants, the seminar programme and the information material used, was designed and developed after a training needs analysis, which was conducted at the beginning of the project.
Moldovan training experts participated in a training programme in Germany, and passed their knowledge as lecturers within a country-wide seminar programme for 200 NGOs. With the establishment of a web-based training server, an innovative approach of coaching was used to ensure a successful and comprehensive learning.
In the first phase of the project, a total of ten 3-day training seminars for NGOs (topics included: NGOs in national and international context, marketing and public relations, project-management, quality management, networking, fundraising, communication & public relations, advocacy etc.) was implemented across Moldova.
After completing the initial seminars, participants had the chance to implement lessons learnt within their organisations. During this second phase of the project, trainers and subject matter experts stood by to offer "online-support" using the web-based training server. Based on the statistics, feedback from participants and trainers, the website was accepted and frequently used, thus fulfilling the objective of serving as permanent platform of communication.
In the third phase of the project, evaluation meetings for all seminar participants were organised. Participants had the opportunity to exchange lessons learnt and to share best practise.